Becoming an adult with confidence and care

Growing up and becoming an adult is a big change for any child. For parents of children with disability, this transition requires personalised planning in many areas. Starting early and creating a transition plan can help you and your child prepare for the future.

Parents and carers raising children aged 0-18 years are invited to join Kiind online for our upcoming Virtual MyTime!

Virtual MyTime is a dedicated online space for parents and carers to connect. Whether you live in regional or remote areas or face barriers to attending in-person support groups, Kiind is here for you, no matter your location.

This session will be facilitated by Kiind’s Peer Navigation team and joined by guest speaker, Leticia from Developmental Disability WA (DDWA). This session aims to help parents and carers gain the knowledge and skills to support their child’s transition to adulthood. This includes helping attendees plan across many areas such as further education, training and employment, self-advocacy, independent living arrangements, the adult health system, and building friendships.

Join this safe and supportive environment to share ideas, experiences, and access valuable resources.

Don’t miss out – Register today!

Click here to register.