Your child can earn a $50 e-gift card for their insights!

Kiind is hosting a consultation workshop about changes to the School Education Act in WA and invites young people aged 11-18 years living with disability to join us!

The School Education Act is the main law that governs how WA schools are run. It was written 25 years ago and the state government is now updating the law.

We want to find out young people’s ideas on how to make education more flexible and adaptable to their needs. Participants do not need to have a diagnosis or know about the School Education Act WA.

The workshop will be led by peer facilitators from the Youth Disability Advocacy Network (YDAN). There will be different ways to share ideas and lots of breaks. The building is accessible, with an enclosed courtyard and a chill-out space for breaks.

There will be some small group conversations and some larger group activities. Participants can decide how much they participate. Kiind will share the ideas discussed in the workshop with the state government.

Snacks will be provided.

We will notify all applicants whether they have been selected for the workshop. Facilitator bios, venue details, and consultation questions will be provided to all confirmed participants before the day.

Expressions of interest close at 5pm on Sunday, 15 September 2024.

For more information, please see the recruitment information sheet or email

Click here to register your interest.