Kiind Pathway Planning

Our experienced Peer Navigation team can provide free, individualised support to help you navigate your child’s journey, including milestones and key points of transition.

With their own lived experience of caring for a family member with a disability, our Peer Navigators have extensive knowledge of the health, disability, and education systems.

Each year, they guide thousands of families through their child’s journey by providing practical guidance, answering questions and helping with pathway planning.

These sessions can be conducted over the phone or via video call.

Where we can help

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Seeking a diagnosis

The process, public versus the private system, help while waiting and what to do when there’s no diagnosis.



Early childhood intervention, applying for access, developing a Plan, managing funding and disputes.


Support for carers

Looking after you, connecting with others, peer support, low-cost counselling, parent education, events and opportunities.


Financial support

Medicare rebates, Centrelink payments, allowances, supplements, concessions, health care cards and other sources of support.



Exploring options, advocating for your child, IEPs and how to get one, school refusal, planning for life after school.


Advocating for your child

Types of advocacy, the advocacy process, accessing an independent disability advocate, legal services, adding your voice to others.


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Sibling support

Managing emotions, family relationships, peer support, social networks, coping skills, independence.


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Behaviour support

Understanding behaviour, setting up for success, recognising triggers, managing issues, additional help.


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Puberty, adolescence and beyond

Turning age 14 and 16, body changes, healthy relationships, setting boundaries, sexuality, life after school.


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Book a Pathway Planning session

Join us today

Become a member

Kiind offers membership to primary carers of children aged from birth to 25 years, living with disability, developmental delay, autism, genetic, rare, undiagnosed and/or chronic conditions who live in Western Australia.

Membership is free. So join the community, access the information that you need and connect with thousands of other families travelling a similar path to yours.


Other ways to connect

Find a Kiind parent support group

Kiind’s Parent Support Groups run regularly during the school term with expert guest speakers providing help and education on topics of specific interest to group participants.


Join Kiind Families Facebook Network

An invaluable information hub for parents and carers to connect, share knowledge, insights, information and experiences in relation to parenting a child with disability.