There’s lots to consider when choosing an appropriate learning environment for your child. Preparation is key. Learn more about the various options for education, getting your child school-ready, Individual Education Plans, accessing support in school, transport and more.


Off to School

What to consider when choosing a school for your child, about enrolling, managing difficulties, support services and equipment and preparing your child in advance of the big day.

Advocating for your Child at School

Advocating for your child at school is an ongoing process. Building your confidence and knowledge will help you advocate for your child more effectively.

Thriving in regular schools

A collection of information shared by families about their experiences of choosing regular schooling for their child with intellectual disability.

Responding to school reluctance or refusal: Strategies for parents

Learn practical strategies to understand and support your child through school refusal.

ADHD WA Fact Sheets - Individualised Education Plans

Individualised Education Plans (IEPs)

Learn what you can expect from an IEP and how to prepare one with the school to get the best outcome for your child.

The National Trend of School Refusal: What Role Does ADHD Play?

The idea of school refusal explained and what it means for children with ADHD.

Frequently asked questions

My son will be starting school soon and I've been told he'll probably need an IEP but what does this mean?

An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a document that sets out your child’s:

  • Existing skills
  • Learning needs and specific goals that can be accurately measured
  • Any adjustments or curriculum modifications
  • Personalised strategies and resources for developing skills and goals
  • Strategies to develop your child’s resilience and, if necessary, social skills.

The plan will be developed by your child’s Student Support Team but your input to the planning process is very important.  The IEP will talk about the learning areas in which your child needs extra support. It might also include information from professionals who work with your child. It should ensure that all teachers are aware of your child’s specific strengths and difficulties, so that there are both realistic and high expectations of your child’s progress.

I am really struggling with my son's behaviour after school. Everyday ends in a major melt-down. What can I do?

It’s tough when your child’s behavior becomes challenging after school. School can be overwhelming for many kids, and often they need to release their emotions once they’re home. Working with a therapist can provide helpful strategies for managing these post-school meltdowns. Additionally, connecting with other families who have faced similar experiences can offer valuable support and ideas. You might also find resources and guidance provided by Developmental Disability WA’s Side By Side program helpful.