There are multiple forms of financial and other support available to parents and carers of children with disability. Understand who pays for what and what additional help you can access from government and other sources.
Overview of funding and support
The Health Department provides treatment for medical conditions but it can be hard to know who provides (and pays) for what as well as eligibility for various payments.
Financial support
There are a range of payments and forms of financial support for parents and carers who provide daily care to children with disability.
Frequently asked questions
What happens to the Carer Allowance and/or Carer Payment when my child turns 16?
Once your child turns 16, Centrelink will treat them as an adult. This means Carer Allowance (Under 16 Years) payments will stop.
Just before your child turns 16 (or 18 if your child has a terminal illness), Services Australia will contact you with information on the application process to transfer from a child payment to an adult one.
This includes the completion of:
- A medical report that must be completed by your child’s doctor and
- A form called ‘Review of care provided Carer Payment and/or Carer Allowance Caring for a person – 16 years or over (SA010)’.
You must apply by the specified due date, or your payments will stop.
For more information, speak with one of our Kiind Peer Navigators.
My child's physiotherapist mentioned a Chronic Disease Management Plan to help with costs but I've got no idea what this is.
A Chronic Disease Management Plan enables patients with a chronic medical condition and complex care needs to obtain a rebate on the cost of service for five visits with services such as speech and occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, exercise physiology, dietetics and more.
These services can be expensive to access privately so the management plan is beneficial in minimising out-of-pocket expenses. They are issued by your GP and regular reviews are required.
How can I get a Companion Card?
The Companion Card Program supports Western Australians with disability who require support to attend community venues and events.
To start, you will need to download the application form and fill out your child’s personal details in Section 1. You will then need your child’s medical practitioner or service provider to complete Section 2.
Along with the form, you must submit two identical high-quality colour passport-sized photographs of your child. Send these to