As you may have already heard, the Australian Parliament has approved changes to the NDIS legislation. For parents and carers who are managing their child’s NDIS Plan, this means that you will start experiencing some changes to how the NDIS works.
These changes will be rolled out in stages and Kiind will keep you updated with the latest information and provide support to help you navigate these changes.
The first round of changes will come into effect on Thursday, 3 October 2024. For now, here’s what you need to know.
New definition of NDIS Supports
To make it clear what NDIS funding can and can’t be spent on, the definition of NDIS supports will change. From Thursday, 3 October 2024, you can only spend your child’s funding on things that are NDIS supports according to the new rule and definition. However, there are some circumstances where you may be able to use funding on something that is not an NDIS support.
The NDIS will work with you to help you understand this new rule and support you if you mistakenly spend funding on something that is not an NDIS support.
This new definition of NDIS supports is still being finalised. You will be informed of the new definition before the rule comes into effect.
Budget amounts
In your child’s current NDIS Plan, you’ll see that supports are shown line-by-line. However, new NDIS Plans will be shown as a budget, so you’ll be able you see a total budget amount for all supports.
The aim of this change is to help make it easier to see the total funding available and how long it needs to last. If your child’s Plan is reviewed after Thursday, 3 October 2024, this will be reflected in their new Plan.
Funding periods
All NDIS Plans created after Thursday, 3 October 2024 will be for 12 months. However, most future NDIS Plans will be longer than this. Stay tuned, as more information on this will be available soon.
To find out more about these changes, you can read a message from the CEO of the National Disability Insurance Agency, Rebecca Falkingham, here.
If you would like to provide input into future NDIS changes, you can see the latest opportunities here.
We understand that changes to the NDIS can be overwhelming and confusing. Kiind is here to support you during this period. You’re welcome to reach out to our Peer Navigation team for support by booking a free Pathway Planning session or emailing us at